abigail414's diaryland diary


Dream Home

Last week I dreamt that I came back to my condo and my landlord had ransacked it and left a note that I would be evicted within 24 hours. The door was left open but my animals were still safe. I took this as a sign to change my locks before my lease expires December 1st.

Last weekend I dreamt about living in the above house in south Palm Springs that I may be buying (I have an agreed-upon offer as of Sunday). It is a lovely little 1960's ranch in a fantastic neighborhood with a pool and mature citrus and palm trees in the backyard, and mountain views. In the dream, I was sleeping in the house but there was an intruder. So, being a good lucid dreamer, I installed a security system and went back to bed. But there was still an intruder in the house that didn't activate the security system, so I got up from bed and went into the hallway and confronted an entity with a very disturbed face that went right through me.

Yes, I still bid on the house with that dream - hid it back in the recesses of my mind as some kind of commitmentphobic paranoic reaction (aka cold feet). Until I found out today from my realtor, after the deal has been agreed to and full disclosures are now being made by the seller, that a previous tenant killed themselves in the garage with carbon monoxide poisoning 2� years ago. Agggh!

So, would I be looking over my shoulder all the time? Would I be able to sleep at night? Would I be afraid every time my dogs barked? Would I think about it every time I came home and drove into the garage? Would it exacerbate my current level of depression? And, would I develop a peace with the ghost or exorcise it? I have already been told by my hypnotherapist that discarnate entities inhabit my body in my sleep on a regular basis, so maybe this would be nothing new. But to knowingly walk into it? I�m going back to visit the house tomorrow, and will bring Nelly my ghost sniffing dog.

I believe my dreams, btw. I almost purchased a home in Ann Arbor a year ago, but dreamt about an abandoned old manufacturing plant falling apart in the backyard. It wasn�t directly affecting the house, but would affect it's resale. Weird dream, so I started asking around, and found out that the house was in the oncoming path of a huge and nasty pollution plume from Gelman, a manufacturing plant. It wouldn�t directly affect the house because my water would be from somewhere else, but I would have to disclose that it was located on contaminated property if I tried to sell it in the future. I cancelled the sale.

Perhaps my little dream home in south Palm Springs is more like a nightmare. What do you think? Comments?

9:02 p.m. - 2006-11-13


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