
Dave Dempsey - 2006-11-14 00:26:07
Gail, You caught my attention with this one. Follow your gut and stay away from this place at all costs. It's not fear, it's clear thinking. Dave
Janet - 2006-11-14 07:51:29
It doesn't sound anymore like a place that can provide replenishment. Unless you feel that it could be properly cleansed, i.e., that you felt no trace of queasiness, it's probably not worth it. Don't force yourself into more stress.
Char - 2006-11-14 08:37:33
Gail, what a scarey experience. My suggestion is that you really get quiet with yourself when you have some time. Let the subject come up and feel deeply into your feelings. Maybe put the timer on for 20-30 minutes - that always helps me. Then, do some proprioceptive writing about whatever comes up. I think you'll have your answer after that. No one knows what you need to do better than you do. Trust your inner wisdom and your core. Good luck - email or call if I can help you in any way.
Lori - 2006-11-14 13:01:56
Ok, you realize this is coming from a double Virgo... Your house in Bath also had a ghost that you successfully sent on. Suicide may be different than old age. Have you spoken with Gloria?
Cathy T. - 2006-11-16 20:35:33
Gail, I believe in trusting my feelings in matters such as this. Trust your own judgement. You know what fees right for yourself.

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