abigail414's diaryland diary


News from the Local Luddite

Technology Withdrawal

I planned to be in my house by now, so a number of things have lapsed, such as internet, phone, and cable. Randy calls me his �Victorian friend�.

My free wireless internet connection disappeared this week. The neighbor supplying it moved or locked up. Plus, my computer is acting up and needs to be looked at before the warranty expires in June.

My phone was disconnected last November. I thought I was moving and switching to Time Warner for a great deal, but then didn�t move and I wouldn�t pay a $45 reconnect bill. Instead, I�ve had exorbitant cell phone bills for 5 months.

My cable was disconnected last month because I stopped paying the bill. I just never used it. I would only watch Grey�s Anatomy, which I could get free on the internet. Plus, it seemed like I had 100 channels but nothing to watch.

To compensate, I upgraded to a new cell phone. It is flat and red with better sound quality and connection (ironically, except to my mother) and additional features. I have now joined the people who �wear� their phone out here, including an earpiece.

I was also given an equally cool I-Pod with docking station by HB. He had a friend pre-load it with 1400 songs, mostly by artists I don�t know. The friend is a serious music aficionado, prop master in the movie biz, and is now a veterinary client.

So, I�m not a technological lost cause, more a portable one.

Veterinary News

It has gotten so busy and disorganized at work that the pile of files on my desk measures in feet. They consist of call-backs and test results and phone messages and prescription requests and hospitalized cases. I try to delegate as much as I can to my assistant, but about 2/3 require veterinary decisions and my brain is tired. Every night I continue to work in my sleep, mostly failing with or forgetting patients and I wake to convince myself that it isn�t real. Yes, I am exhausted during the day.

Because of this I only worked 3 days last week. My income will suffer, but hopefully I�ll stop paying for two houses soon. Saturday was the typical zoo, with a full appointment schedule as well as emergencies. One of the emergencies was a 2 year old Havanese that came in because �it couldn�t walk�. He had a helpless look on his sweet little face, and was a neurological disaster. I suspected an overdose of a drug that had been prescribed at a very high dose for a long time. He also had been dropped that morning, so perhaps it was trauma. Either way, I sent him immediately to Orange County (yes, �the OC�, where the fancy doctors are) for emergency care and possible neurosurgery. Turns out they think it was the drug, and I'm glad I wasn't the one prescribing it. (I've had some other uh oh's, but this one wasn't mine.)

I also had a Cairn terrier with liver/gall bladder issues that the owner has so far spent thousands of dollars on. She gets better with intensive care, including plasma transfusions, but waxes and wanes and I think may not recover without surgery. I took her to the emergency clinic the other night when her gums were stark white and body puffed up with fluid all over and no one would be with her overnight. The animal emergency clinic is like the Twilight Zone at 1 am. Luckily, I was off the next day. Plus, I�m not sleeping well anyway.

Buttoning Up the House

Hopefully that�s the state we�re at. Plumbing being reconnected, lights installed in bathrooms, appliances brought in, tile cleaned and sealed, gardener coming in to clean up and trim the giant citrus trees. The painter can�t come until the middle of May, and I�m still in the condo. I painted my last house in Bath, but am just not up for it with the way my work schedule is. I am so looking forward to living there � 2 minutes from work and not paying to live in a crazy lady�s condo.


That�s where I�ve decided HB and I are. We enjoy each other�s company, have great chemistry, some common interests, but depth is slow in coming and in truth that�s OK. I've had 'deep' and now think that 'nice, fun, sexy' is better. It is a little confusing because he is so much more attentive and loving and affectionate than either of my ex-husbands, even with a swollen foot in a boot and on crutches (which would make anyone crabby and self-absorbed). He�s consistently kind and very anti-drama in relationships, both new for me which have taken some adjustment. But, I like it - leaves room for the rest of my life to happen.

Lest you think I�m totally reformed, I did have drinks with burnt out hippie veterinarian Daniel last week. Unlike HB, he could care less about style and could live under a bridge - doesn�t cut his long black/gray hair or beard, usually wears black or dark gray with heavy silver chains around his neck, and has intense black eyes. We spent a couple hours hanging out at a sushi bar, talking and either watching the bartender mix weird Japanese drinks or bull riding and boxing on the TV. We also had a pissing match in the bathroom, and I took longer (yes, I was in the cubicle). He is one intense, deep, and depressed cool dude, which was �my type� for decades. He knows about HB, and I am relieved that he declares himself �in retirement� from the relationship business - because if not, I think I�d be in trouble with a capital T.

Well, my battery is about to die. Been putting this together parked in front of someone else�s house. Hope to be plugged back into the world some time in May. In the meantime, you can catch me in my car.

8:16 a.m. - 2007-04-23


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