abigail414's diaryland diary


Domestic Purge

At the risk of being like every other blogger (yes this is a blog), I found this link very interesting. What would it be like to be one of these people and travel to conventions to experience it?


Today is not a happy day. I spent my birthday yesterday dealing with my mother, getting her a caregiver, a lifeline in case she falls down, showing her how to operate her BP machine, potting a plant, picking up her house, and installing a steering wheel adapter for one-handed driving. I left at 6 am this morning to get to my yoga class.

Then, later today I confronted HB about something that was bugging me, so we're in a paranthesis. Love sucks at times, which unfortunately I may be in, and it makes me vulnerable and neurotic and taking baths at 3 pm on Sunday. Hopefully 'we' will survive, because he's a very hot guy even though his foot is oozing and broken into a zillion pieces.

In the interim, I am cleaning out cupboards and the garage in anticipation of moving in 2 weeks and tomorrow is trash day. Perhaps I don't need to go back to mom's on Thursday, and will have 3 full days off to get my act together. (Yes, I know it could take a lifetime for that to happen, but I'm moving in 2 weeks so something has to come together).

Btw, Nelly is the best dog in the world - sticks to me like glue, never complains, and is beautiful.

6:31 p.m. - 2007-04-15


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