abigail414's diaryland diary


Surrealism 101

The above blurry and altered cell phone photo is not of actual palm trees, but cleverly disguised cellular towers.

This week I had an emergency evening call for a boarding animal who had eaten hard plastic that was now painfully protruding from his butt. It was 9:30 pm, and after spraying local anesthetic on the affected area, I gloved up, grabbed a forceps, pulled it out, then did a quick rectal exam to be sure there wasn't any more. It took about five minutes and I surprised myself (and the kennel staff) with my own efficiency. I also euthanized a staff member's guinea pig after hours, which was a first in a long time and neither efficient or fun (but necessary).

Saturday evening included a little dancing and funky chanting with Girish (www.girishmusic.com), who does a hypnotic Sanskrit rap. I love all kinds of chants, Gregorian, buddhist, wiccan, and campfire, but when we started chanting to visuals of Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god - my inner Baptist started acting up and I couldn't keep a straight face. Guess who won�t be heading to an ashram any time soon, even if my favorite Xena:Warrior Princess episodes were based on India mythology. I went with a friend from work and we left early due to exhaustion and hunger, which was sated with margaritas and sushi (also a holy experience).

When I got home, there was a glowing man in the driveway across the street - Nelly kept barking at him when I let her out to potty. He was so out of place I thought it must be a Hollywood prank, or perhaps Hanuman himself, angered at my smirking? In my post-chanting, post-margarita, near-sighted way, I could see a resemblance to the above picture. Eventually I figured out it was a man sitting outside in the dark with his laptop, pirating the same wireless that I do. I went over to say hi and yes, he got the best connection in the driveway.

In a Sunday morning dream, I was en route to a cottage with the dogs, and visited the house of my first marriage. A composite of my 1st and 2nd husband still lived there, but was leaving to visit his girlfriend or wife in San Francisco. After he left, I snooped around - there was a closet full of brand-new baby clothes in the kitchen; the backyard had a couple thundering horses, a wandering deer, a big concrete parking pad, and a 'for sale' sign; the front yard had 'Dan' from HBO's Deadwood sitting on a lawn chair making sure I didn't take anything; I had to walk on a ledge along the house while it drizzled to get in and out; and the living room wall was painted an ugly golden yellow. I consciously wanted to absorb all the details before I woke up, which included a disembodied voice making commentary about architectural features. Then, my dog Lola started to defecate in slow motion, and as I tried to lead her off the carpet she smeared it around (and I purposefully didn't clean it up very well, hoping it would smell when my ex-husband(s) returned).

Merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream.

8:30 p.m. - 2006-07-30


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