abigail414's diaryland diary


Blessings in Disguise

I�ve run out of duck food. My plan was to just use up the sacks in the garage that were taking up space here when I arrived � I certainly don�t need any more animals to tend. Unfortunately, now I seem to be hooked. They come to me all clucking and happy at night when I sneak under cover of darkness with a pail of feed. Plus, if I don�t feed them they squawk at 5:30 in the morning. So I called my eccentric landlord and told her I�d run out of duck food, and will keep feeding them, but won�t pay for it. She said some would be delivered tomorrow. Sigh.

The past few days at work have been mostly �routine�, meaning itchy dogs, cats with urinary tract infections, vaccines, miscellaneous lameness, a couple cancers and a kidney failure. Unlike my crash course in internal & emergency medicine of the first couple weeks. I actually left at 6 pm today, thanks to cancellations or no-shows that allowed me to catch up.

Today's vet story is about a really cranky, mostly deaf, old lady who came an hour late (confused about actual appointment time) and then proceeded to complain about waiting 10 minutes while we tried to fit her in. Of course her fluffy white dog with 2 pink pigtails was barking viciously at everyone � teeth bared, like an entity from prep school hell. While �pink Kugo' was trying to attack us, the owner demanded to know why we couldn�t just give her shots (well, I needed to look at Kugo's very goopy eyes � after all, it is a $49 fee for an exam - and she needed to be muzzled or I would get bit and be unable to work for the rest of the day with lacerated hands). Once safely muzzled, we cleaned her eyes and looked her over and the owner calmed down seeing how thorough and caring we were - and she ended up apologizing for her impatience and we had a lovely bonding moment. Really surprised me b/c I usually reserve my empathy for the four-leggeds - we were two humans who had that flash go between us of seeing each other with love. She reached over to check out my name on my coat, hopefully for good reason.

On the home front, I got some great dining room chairs from a consignment store � they have the cats' approval (they are sleeping on them when I come home. I also have my office bookshelves put together (but not installed). I�m slowly making myself 'at home� here, but being fairly picky because I can and because I didn�t like a lot of the stuff I had in Michigan (and want to only get things that I find beautiful or useful).

And, on the personal front, I had another delicious monthly massage from Sebastian on Tuesday. I'm developing a theory that gay men would give great seminars to women on how to be sensual. I laid in the sun for � hour afterwards and just thought of how lovely it is to lay in the sun in my backyard in January. Also, my car dealer sent me a live plant in a box � how odd is that?

Speaking of blessings, I�ve re-started a gratitude journal, trying to put at least 5 new things in a night. Five things that happened that day � so I look for them during the day. I think I may be genetically and habitually depressed, so making a conscious effort to find things to be thankful for during the day helps to redirect my energies. With sun, meaningful work, and a comfy place to live, it seems odd I need to do this - but, wherever you go, there you are!

9:09 p.m. - 2006-01-12


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