abigail414's diaryland diary


Short, grizzled, entry

Saw 'Grizzly Man' on DVD, and recommend it as a meditation on what happens when you get totally engulfed by a passion. Or, what happens when you live alone among non-humans for a large portion of your life and talk to yourself a lot. It has some great bear footage that Timothy Treadwell took during the 13 years he lived among Alaskan grizzlies, unarmed and unharmed until he and his girlfriend were eaten by one in 2003. He was amazing, and would have been a shaman in a tribal culture. Like most people, he also was a profoundly flawed human being trying to follow his gifts/bliss/intuition the best he could. He truly loved and felt his calling. However, as one redneck interviewed put it - 'maybe the bears didn't eat him because they thought there was something wrong with him'.

Earlier I saw 'March of the Penguins' on DVD. The emperor penguins on the south pole have an extremely harsh life, and do this herculean routine to reproduce - for what? So their young can have the same harsh/herculean lifesyle? I would be one of those penguins saying 'nope, I'm hanging at the beach with food while y'all go inland and attempt to survive horrific storms without food while holding an egg between your legs for 3 months, only to lose your chick to a seal'.

Speaking of moms, mine just visited for 24 hours and the first 5 were fairly pleasant. We ate at Spencers, a lovely tennis resort against the mountains, in a lush garden setting, and the visit was downhill after that. I was not the most gracious hostess, or even a good daughter - I seem to have no energy to do 'nice nice' to people right now. Now that Mike is not in my life, I'm discovering my own impatient and grizzled edginess.

8:24 p.m. - 2006-01-09


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