abigail414's diaryland diary


A Messy Morphine Martini Kind of Day

OK. I don't think that this pace is sustainable. Because I am the new vet w/o the established clientele, I am getting the emergencies, walk-ins, etc and they aren't easy cases. But - surprise - I'm getting huge positive feedback from the clinic owners and the pet owners as well. Today's interesting case involved 2 large dogs who got into the owner's morphine. They don't teach you about this in vet school. The owner didn't find out until it was too late to pump their stomach, but now they had bloody diarrhea. It looked like they ate enough to kill a horse, but were still alive and very lively today - perhaps they were coming down from quite a high. We did X-rays to see if they had an obstruction (the morphine was on popsicle-like sticks and 30 were missing), and found a lot of gas and disturbance, and oh yes a nail, but no obvious blockage. They stayed with us for the day, were treated with fluids and a bunch of stuff for bloody diarrhea, almost knocked us down every time we tried to do anything for them, so were sent home tonight. Wow.

Unfortunately, my own pets are having a tough time. Poor Lola is allergic to the area and is on medication that makes her need to pee more than usual, and today I came home at lunch to a urinal. She couldn't wait and used the tile, and Orlando didn't like Nelly loose in the house (a new thing) so also hit the tile around the cat tree. Truth is, my place is too small for 5 pets, so need to start using the courtyard soon (and the kitchen when it gets too hot).

Yep, life is pretty messy right now. But I have a new and exciting job that I seem to be doing well at, a snazzy new car, and a condo crammed with boxes and urine and pets but hey two out of three aren't bad!


7:30 p.m. - 2005-12-21


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