
Char - 2006-12-30 12:52:35
Gail - i am so glad that you found this psychiatrist. bi-polar is very treatable and can really work to your advantage once you know what you're dealing with. if you have difficulties getting on the right meds after you work up to a therapeutic dose, you may want him to recommend you to a psycho-pharmacologist. that is what helped me the most as my psychiatrist could not get my meds straight so that it worked for me. my psychiatrist was also smart enough, thank God, to realize his limitations and recommend a psycho-pharmacologist to me. after about 6 weeks with the psycho-pharmacologist combined with therapy, i was all straightened out from a bio-chemical perspective (my issue was not bi-polar thought) as he worked up a special combination that works well for my system. i'm not sure if this is true for bipolar but my meds seem to wear off after about 7-8 years. i have gone through one major med change after they wore off and again had to return to the psycho-pharmacologist for about 6 weeks. there are some excellent books on bi-polar also that you may want to look into. i read an autobiography by someone with bipolar a long time ago which was really helpful to understand the disorder. i know patty duke has written a book about it too - i believe she has it as well. happy healthy new year. i really applaud you for having the courage to take an honest look at yourself - i wish you luck finding a great talk therapist if you choose to pursue that option. what a great way to begin 2007. take care.

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