abigail414's diaryland diary


Upscale Underwear

On the heels of my last entry about serious mental illness (if you missed it, hit 'archives'), I feel an urgent need to lighten up a little.

So, I will talk about underwear. I disposed of all my ratty ones a few weeks ago, before obtaining new ones. Oops. Since the nearest major shopping center is 15 miles away from Palm Springs, I tried the local SteinMart and Target - and found that they won�t let you try on underwear (over your own, of course) �due to local health codes�. I was told that if you buy underwear and they don�t fit, you bring them back to be returned to the manufacturer. This has resulted in my owning at least four new, but uncomfortable, pair of underwear. (I used to be able to buy the 3-pack Jockey string bikinis but then I was thin as a rail.)

Interestingly, I have noticed that this wasn�t the rule at Macy�s in Palm Desert where HB lives � so after visiting him on Saturday I was off to buy underwear. He suggested I try the nearby Saks Fifth Avenue instead because they have almost-affordable sale items and a nicer selection. That is where he bought my first gift of pajamas (they are cotton and require ironing, but are very Katherine Hepburnesque and comfy and have been worn many times with him).

I have never considered shopping at Saks. That is what rich people do. I find the salespeople intimidating, and even though I make decent money, it is not enough to be a Saks shopper. Awhile ago I popped in and out of there for one makeup item, and felt like an imposter. But I took HB up on his suggestion (he is quite comfortable at Saks) and went shopping for underwear.

For the record, I hate shopping. But, Saks is a completely different retail experience. Yes, there are clothes with 4 digit price tags because they are Chanel or Dolce & Gabbana. And, yes Saks is an icon of conspicuous consumption. But if you are going to spend money, why not do so on a few nice items in a genteel atmosphere? Things are laid out in a way that you can find them (except lingerie is discreetly tucked away in a corner on the 2nd floor), it is clean with bright windows, uncrowded, no screaming children, the Muzak is subtle, and the salespeople are nice and as helpful as you want them to be (meaning, they ask if they can help and then leave you alone but are still available). The lingerie section had two spacious dressing rooms that were flatteringly lit (!?). And, you could take in as many items as you want to try on ('local health codes' be damned).

I found some decent sale items, and even some Donna Karan underwear that were downright cheap. I stocked up, including a $30 nightie that will work great as a sundress (for those �can't stand to wear anything� hot days). I also saw PJs similar to those HB bought me, and they cost $200! He got them on sale, but still that is one expensive pair of pajamas (I think he likes me).

Best of all, dogs are allowed! As I was leaving, a woman walked in with her Yorkie on leash. How great is that? Maybe they only allow fancy little dogs, not a big woof like Nelly (part of me wants to try and see if they discriminate on size). I called my girlfriend Randy and told him he should go shopping with his Katrina-rescued beagles (Neiman and Marcus). He said it sounded like fun � I want to go and watch and take photos of the former New Orleans ghetto beagles search for rabbits in Saks.

Well, I�m off to organize my underwear drawer.

6 p.m. - 2007-05-26


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