abigail414's diaryland diary


Wish You Were Here

We have had some fantastic moons this week. At dusk, it is a giant orange globe due to the atmosphere � the desert is an inherently dusty place, but also makes for beautiful moons. At night, while walking Nelly or sitting in the hot tub, it shines down between palm trees in an indigo sky and �midnight at the oasis� plays in my head. And, this morning, the moon was resting on the edge of the San Jacinto mountains to the west � it looked like a cold version of a sunrise. (I used to worship by moon cycles with a group of women, and perhaps I still do because I certainly notice what it is doing.)

I need to get a good camera, because every time I turn around I see something beautiful or striking or bizarre. The other day, I watched an older model bright red single engine plane slowly circle the airport across from work. I thought of Mike, my ex, and his love of flying � but also about how great it was to see the combination of red against the intense blue sky and snow-covered mountains. Earlier, I saw a homeless lady standing on the median at the stoplight with a sign �homeless�, and a shiny black Bentley with closed windows next to her waiting to turn left - the contrasts are always a little jolting. The other morning I saw a rainbow ending at the base of mountains shrouded in clouds, and that night there was a laughing drunken couple erratically driving a golf cart around my condo complex.

HB and I have been specializing in pleasant lunches and breakfasts. We�re rebuilding after our last, post-Phoenix disagreement. So far so good, and a lot more honest and sustainable. Last Sunday was a late lunch at a little French restaurant near him, and yesterday was breakfast at the Parker, a classic Palm Springs institution with lush grounds and scenic patio. He may be on crutches, but can eat and see movies, so after breakfast we went to the IMax for �Mystic India� (highly recommended). Our �date� was done by noon, so I could catch up on the rest of my life (which includes filing for an extension on my taxes). We�re being realistic about how busy and stressed I am, and about his healing process from major orthopedic surgery.

Speaking of stress, I just found out that my master bathtub delayed the completion of my house by almost a month. Aggh, a very expensive thing, and probably a bad idea because showering in it every day may be more difficult. But I just couldn't imagine living in a house without a tub - even though an outdoor hot tub would have been just fine here in Palm Springs,CA.

Btw, it is �spring� here, meaning we've hit 90 degrees, and the snowbirds are leaving. When I lived in Michigan, this was the time birds were returning (vultures were my favorites) and the snow melted by noon. Not a day goes by that I don�t see a Canadian packing up a car, which makes me feel a little more lonely than before - this town clears out by Memorial Day. And, even though this area takes my breath away on a regular basis, and I have developed a small network of friends, I miss my Michigan buddies. Thanks for staying a reader, it helps me feel a little more connected.

9:01 p.m. - 2007-04-04


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