abigail414's diaryland diary


Polar Shifts

This week included the above dog - he wasn�t my case, but was definitely interesting. How this happened I have no idea, but the dog was sedated and the diaper pin removed and he is fine.

There was also Jenna, an older german shepherd attacked by a pit bull. Jenna's owner was walking her on a leash and the pit charged out of his house and dragged both owner and dog across the street. It took four neighbors to get the pit off Jenna, one of whom brought her to the vet clinic because the owner was at the emergency room with broken fingers. Jenna needed wound repair with some drains and antibiotics, but overall seemed in decent shape for a dog who went through what she did. I know I�d be walking my dog with a baseball bat from now on.

And Jonathan, a grumpy little lhasa apso who always growled at his owner but had recently stopped eating. Turns out he was in profound kidney failure, and his owners knew he wouldn�t put up with the intensive care and lifelong support that was required. Unfortunately, as he was being euthanized, he started to howl and bark, with it winding down like a battery dying. Aggh. Most animals go smoothly, so I was very apologetic. Through tears, the owners told me that Jonathan always barked and howled as he went out into the dark yard. Perhaps he was doing the same � barking to clear the way as he entered the great dark beyond.

I found out that that I�m �the pretty one� at work. People who call and want to make an appointment, but can�t remember my name refer to me as �the pretty one�, or �the one with the beautiful eyes�. I found this out after I was intensely hit on by a client. I guess it is well-known, except by me.

Last weekend I made pesto spaghetti, which was the first meal my last husband cooked for me. He made it with basil sacrificed from a plant on his apartment patio. We ate a lot of pesto during our 10 year marriage, sometimes from our own backyard garden, sorted and bagged on the living room floor. For awhile, pesto was the Wednesday evening meal for his daughter's visitation. She called it green bug eddie (ie. green spaghetti). I don�t think I�ve had pesto since our marriage ended 2 years ago, and even though it was delicious it made me sad to eat it again.

After the pesto, I developed what may have been a �potentially fatal rash� from my bipolar medication (1 in 1000 people get it). This caused me to cancel going to my yoga center�s season opening party. Instead I took Benadryl and Prednisone and spent a couple hours chatting on the phone with Gwen�s friend Daniel - he�s a burned out veterinarian and it felt good to talk with someone whose been there done that got the hat. Plus he has a great voice and gives good phone. I don�t have romantic aspirations for him since he is even more depressed than I am, but we have a natural simpatico. And, since I�ve discontinued the meds for now, I figured things probably won�t get more cheerful on my side any time soon so it is good to bond with an equally depressed person.

However, the next day, with my puffy post-rash face, I met the above guy, who I like to call my Hollywood boyfriend (HB). He's a set decorator with a lot of major movie credits under his belt who found me online, and we eventually met at a bookstore. Not sure what I think of it yet, since he's a freshly divorced LA native hanging out at his desert retreat while his home in Studio City is selling - so he's in a big life transition. He is also vaguely reminiscent of my pesto ex-husband when I first met him in his smart funky eccentric ness (only HB's taller and with a much better sense of style). Friday night we went to the Improv Comedy club, and had a really great time. He�s coming to my new house today to give me professional input � if he can decorate the sets for �Bruce Almighty� and �Rain Man�, he can probably help figure out my current tile crisis. So far, he thinks I�m �spectacular� and he�s not half bad himself.

Earlier in the week, I slipped on ice on the sidewalk - in Palm Springs, California. The sprinklers here are on timers, resulting in sheets of ice. My Midwestern 'slipping and not falling' training came in handy, but it was a surprise on my morning walk with Nelly. Plus, I�ve been wearing fleece and winter pants and went to storage for my down coat. Locals tell me this cold snap is very unusual, but those are the same people who said that 120 degrees for weeks on end last summer was also unusual. Yes, it is warmer here than where people are snowed in or having trees fall on their house, but this is supposed to be the place where those people go for relief.

I have a habit and leaving a pile of clean laundry on the chair in my bedroom (one reason I love living alone). This week, Prudencia, my cleaning lady put it away � God knows where it all is, but I�m sure it�s the first time my underwear has been folded in years.

12 p.m. - 2007-01-21


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