abigail414's diaryland diary


Under the Influenza

Yes, I did indeed have the stomach flu yesterday. Luckily, it was the 24 hr kind - meaning I'm still woozy 24 hours later, but the intense vomiting/fever part only lasted about 12 hours. And it was intense - I was preparing to give myself IV fluids if it continued. Now I'm just weak and burpy. So, perhaps yesterday's entry was under the influence of influenza.

More specifically, it may have been a case of the 'winter vomiting virus' (who knew there was such a thing?). The following BBC excerpt pretty accurately describes my experience:

The winter vomiting virus causes unpleasant but non-fatal infections that last only 24-60 hours. It is a member of the Norwalk virus family, and dubbed the "winter vomiting virus" because it is more likely to develop as an illness during the winter months.

Dr John Cowden, consultant epidemiologist at the Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health in Glasgow, said: "We are not talking about feeling a bit dicky and chucking up in the toilet bowl. I am told that people can vomit straight out for about a yard."

7:39 p.m. - 2007-01-05


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