abigail414's diaryland diary


Dancing Grandmas

Yes, there are 82 year old tap dancing babes here in Palm Springs, along with sexy mothers of 7 parading around on stage. These performers are lifelong professionals who are in their 60�s and above, some having been in fairly famous shows (like West Side Story and the Rockettes).

The Palm Springs Follies is in its 15th season, runs from November to June, and is a 3+ hour mix of Vegas and Broadway and Vaudeville, including singers, dancers, a dog act, a comedian, an impressionist, a ragtime pianist, 2 intermissions, and a grand finale with confetti all over the audience and phony fireworks. The theater is an homage to Hollywood kitsch, and a nod to Palm Springs' reputation as 'playground of the stars'. Afterwards, the performers greeted the guests and you could see that yes they are 'old� � but fully able to do 8 shows a week like they've done for much of their life. Since I may be paying off student loans and practicing until I�m 79, this was encouraging.

If you recall, going to the Follies was part of a Mother's Day extravaganza for my mom, who lives about 100 miles away. She really enjoyed it, but may have found it odd to see such agile people her age. All of her family members live long, but don't get around too well. She also enjoyed the casino buffet, my bed, breakfast on the patio this morning, her little dog in a luxury suite at my work (accessible via internet camera), and a real deal on a swimsuit for her senior water aerobics. We got along for her 25 hour stay, and I think she felt appropriately 'honored'.

_____The Weather___________________

Earlier this week I tried sleeping in my hammock at night - very comfortable under the light of the moon with a gentle breeze. But was embarrassed to wake myself up with my snoring. Last night it was 85 degrees at 11 pm - luckily, the mornings are cool from 5 to 7 am, which is when I open the windows and air the house out and walk the dogs. If I�m out and about in 100+ degree weather, I have a hat on and a slower gait � it is intense, like living in a dry sauna. Or, as a fellow local blogger described it "At times the heat rolls off the pavement like a furnace being opened." My Michigan friends tell me they've had clouds and rain for 6 straight days, and 50 degree weather - so, no, I'm not complaining!

_____Little Known Facts_______________

Our Governor speaks perfect Spanish. Well, he does on TV. I was channel-surfing and 'Red Sonja' was on with Governor Ahnold, and Brigit Nielsen, and they were both very fluent. I had to watch it for awhile just for the novelty, and picking up words here and there that I know. Al Pacino dubs Spanish pretty well too.

Hummingbirds have a carnivorous streak. I've watched them buzz along the tops of the grass like seagulls on the ocean, occasionally grabbing their prey (and I don't think it is a flower). At dusk, they are out en masse like a miniature lawn army on maneuvers.

Pedestrians supposedly have the right of way here. The other day, I watched a guy cross Palm Canyon Drive in downtown Palm Springs and get caught in traffic midway. He continued to chat on his cell phone while standing there on the center line with cars going by both ways. Another great camera moment w/o a camera.

_____Veterinary News_______________

On Saturday afternoon, I had simultaneous crazy cat owners. One cat was dying, but the owner wanted to talk about a skin condition - um excuse me, your cat's heart isn't beating right, her abdomen is full of fluid, she is mouth breathing, and is over 20 years old. When I pointed that out he started sobbing. The other crazy person calls 2x/week for the past 4 months reporting on her cat's eating and bowel habits - but when she mentioned something about breathing difficulty I got her to come in right away. Sure enough she has a tumor compressing her trachea. No, I don't know why she goes to her bowl and licks it and then walks away, but I can guess that not being able to breathe would probably affect your appetite.


I met oola�s new boyfriend this week. He obviously adores her, and she him, in that happy new-love way and I felt a queasiness in my stomach � I think I would be uncomfortable to be on the receiving end. Even though adoration is supposedly what women want, most of my relationships have been at an emotional arms-length...so yes, I have a bad habit to break. Sigh.

Last week �Body Heat� and �The Last Seduction� showed up from Netflix in my mailbox. Both are about women seducing men into killing their husbands. I signed up for these 6 months ago before I left Michigan. Hmmn. It doesn�t take much deep thought to see that I had some anger issues at that time.

Living in a vacation paradise isn't very motivational for getting things done on your day off. Or self-improvement for that matter. I have lots of loose ends to take care of at home and I just want to lie around the pool or in my hammock or on the couch or go back to bed. There�s relaxing, and then there�s downright sloth and it looks like I may be heading toward the latter. Oliver (below) feels my pain.

10:11 p.m. - 2006-05-14


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