
janice - 2006-07-03 17:48:39
Can I come with you next time???
char - 2006-07-03 22:53:30
Wow - what a place!! Your pictures are amazing. . . I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Welcome Home.
kristin - 2006-07-04 14:12:20
Glad to see you back, and that you had such a good time. What a beautiful place and you look at peace. I see why you want to live there. (Odd that you ended up in another gay paradise, though.)
oola - 2006-07-04 16:45:17
You seem to have a fabulous way of finding the oddest places. What does the universe have in store for you??? I love your adventures, sorry I missed this one. We need to have one soon!
Carrie - 2006-07-10 13:19:00
Your vacation sounds wonderful! Just what I would have ordered up. Beautiful. Glad you were able to get a well deserved rest.

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