abigail414's diaryland diary


Epilogue to 'Day in the Life'

In case you're wondering what happened to the animals from the last post:

Lonnie the drunk Bichon came back in for bloodwork and is at good levels for all drugs. And his eyes are doing better.

KitKat's vulva mass was removed and sent to a lab where it was determined to be a kind of cancer. The surgeon could not get all the mass because of the location, so they were referred to a cancer center for chemotherapy.

Jon struggled along for a few days (while I was visiting mom) under a colleague's care and at the emergency clinic at night, but started vomiting and defecating blood and was euthanized at the emergency center.

The ultrasound of Mabel the Doberman showed she has hardly any liver left, so the owners are just keeping her comfortable and preparing for the end.

Joe the bubblewrap cat is doing well, except seems to be less interested in food and had diarrhea for awhile. He may be back in for a recheck.

Chelsea the diabetic Schnauzer was re-tested for Cushings disease, and came back positve. She had to be hospitalized a couple days while I was gone and is limping along.

Baker, the 14 year old golden retriever was put to sleep after the owner had an X-ray taken and saw the huge mass blocking his windpipe.

Maisey, the wiggly Boston Terrier pup is doing well.

Suzy the Shih Tzu's eye is healing slowly.

Shirley the Chow's lymph nodes are full of a malignant cancer, and she has a urinary tract infection. She's on antibiotics for the latter and will start chemotherapy for the former.

Sandy the dalmation's bloodwork showed high calcium, so the owner brought her back in for a retest and it came out normal. She may also have Cushing's disease (3rd one this week), so will be coming in for another test.

Melissa, the cranky urinary straining cat got better with steroids & antibiotics, but, assuming the stones wouldn't go away had a cystotomy. The surgeon said her urethra is very small and had stones in it. The owner reports she is eating etc, but urinating about every 10 minutes. Ouch!

OK, so much for biz. I'm off for a couple days in Idyllwild to beat the heat and relax a little.

8:48 p.m. - 2006-08-27


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