abigail414's diaryland diary


Random Scenes from Friday Off

- Leather-clad, helmeted guy pushing a motorcycle to the DMV in 105 degree weather.

- Writing the feds requesting they reinstate the 1.5% interest rebate on my student loans that I lost due to a couple late payments. Extenuating circumstances? I moved 3 times last year, had 3 jobs, and got divorced - life was chaos as was the mail.

- Floating in the pool for 10 minutes and overhearing a mother/daughter conversation �I don�t like Alexis Martin, she talks down to people, and is ugly� and her mother agrees. Then dad arrives and talk turns to the large packets of information the daughter is getting from Dartmouth, Brown, Smith, MIT and the �other Ivy's�.

- Having an exam for my very red eyes, and the El Salvadoran optho doctor telling me I just don�t look 50 and repeatedly asking why I haven�t had any children.

- Picking up a prescription from the pharmacy for 60 pills, a controlled substance, but finding out I only got 25.

- Going to yoga class and trying to hone my internal focus while a newspaper photographer snaps incessantly. He asks my name during savassana (meditation), and I tell him an alias and leave early.

- Being told by someone that they were making their cancerous skin drop off with bloodroot. No, it was not officially diagnosed as cancer, they could see it, just knew, as they were giggling wildly.

- Tatooed LA woman with menswear shorts and high heels sashaying through the grocery store, windchimes in her hand clanging loudly wherever she goes.

- Buff black guy walking out of his boom-blasting car with pants totally under his butt � blue boxers - taking big sideways strides to keep them on.

- Driving through a red light at night because I saw the green one just beyond it, and all cars slow-mo screeching to a halt with no contact. (Thank you guardian angel and excellant Volvo brakes.)

- Meeting a vet friend for dinner/drinks at a �hot� spot in Palm Desert only to find it is a family tourist-style restaurant with decent appetizers.

- Being halfway to my goal weight and looking �skinny� but still unable to fit into many of my old clothes, proving that weight is indeed relative depending on whether you're gaining or losing.

- Finding out that someone googled this diary and read 42 entries, prompting me to lock up immediately.

-Still recovering from my day at work on Thursday which was in essence a double day (more later). Off to see mom and take her on a birthday brunch San Diego harbor cruise.

11:40 a.m. - 2006-08-19


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