abigail414's diaryland diary


Mars in Motion

Friday morning I woke gently. I had the day off, and at 7:30 I was lying in bed listening to the birds and feeling the relaxed weight of my dog Nelly�s body along my side, her head draped across me. It felt timeless. I've been told that the moments between sleeping and waking are the most 'real', and yesterday those moments were filled with contentment and pleasure at being alive.

Of course, my brain had its own activity, trying to remember a dream about the �mom� on a TV show (Freaks & Geeks) who apparently had died, and I was a daughter named Nelly, sitting at home with other family members post-funeral. The dad was calling the cable company because the screen was playing that multi-shaded gray signal that we saw in the 1960�s when programming ended at 2 am. In the dream, I realized I had disconnected the cable while remodeling a health club (reversing the mens locker rooms into women�s locker rooms and vice versa except for the smoking lounge), and I re-connected the cable. Suddenly two TV�s were blaring the same show in the room, with the dad watching the little one while we watched the big screen one.

I've wondered if dreams are just brain farts. But an article I saw Friday asserted you dream because you have to dream. As spiritual beings in a physical world we need to return to the spiritual world to �breathe', which is done by dreaming. Although it is apparently more important to remember the dreams and participate in them lucidly than to understand them, I couldn't help wondering if the above dream meant I need to rewire how I receive my signals or am looking at the little picture or having gender confusion or just craving cigarettes.

Plus, according to astrologers, Mars has been retrograde since October, and is now going direct again. (http://www.astrologycom.com/marsret.html) This may be a bunch of hooey, but I've noticed a definate change - as if my pilot light was burning low and has gotten some gas again. I�m an Aries, ruled by Mars (http://www.elore.com/Astrology/Study/aries.htm) and when it is 'messed up' so am I. Besides being retrograde, it has been conjunct �Caput Algol�, which is 'especially unfortunate', and represents the gorgon�s head (Medusa). That may be even more hooey, except for the odd feeling I've had that looking at people directly has a kind of power - I have fairly distinctive blue/green eyes and when I lock them on someone they usually notice. True confession, I have felt a little Medusa-like.

So, maybe I've needed a planetary shift, not psychotropic medication. Or perhaps I am just an incredibly moody bitch in peri-menopause. We�ll see. I started getting my affairs in order yesterday, had a good day at work today, and hope to hit both a horse show and art fair in Indio tomorrow.

7:24 p.m. - 2006-02-04


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