abigail414's diaryland diary


RV Trip to California: Part 3 - Texas Tip Step

Sunday morning in Shamrock Texas at the local convenience store. Believe it or not, these guys (and one gal) were talking about selling horses. REAL cowboys. See the guy in the middle in the back, the one w/o the cowboy hat holding a cup of coffee? Well, I managed to tip it over. He mopped it up, and got some more, and they all laughed and joked that his wife better not find out he can clean up after hisself. These guys were right out of central casting.

And, this was the scene outside the store.

When I asked why the trucks were mostly white, they said it was a white truck kind of town - they didn't like to warsh them.

I was taking the picture below when I knocked over the coffee. He just looked like Texan to me in every way - plus the resemblance to the greeting cards with the old weathered cowboy was remarkable.

I think I could spend weeks traveling the country tipping over people's coffee, joining in their conversations, and taking photos. It was fun. A cultural high point of the trip.

More to follow, but bath and bed beckon.

8:19 p.m. - 2005-12-30


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